Testimonials for Life-Coaching
The books and the tapes have helped me to understand it better but there is nothing like being able to ask a question and receive a personal answer. I am not sure I could have stayed on this path if I had not had this very personal help. I would have been extremely frustrated and hard on myself. Your presence is showing me I can look at the pain and hurt differently. There is another way. -- H.W., Denver, CO
I have been studying the Course of Miracles for over 5 years and have chosen Liz to be my mentor. Liz interprets the Course in the way I can understand it. Some ACIM mentors have taken me deeper into the ego but Liz lead me to the Truth. I am not separate from God and never have been. I have found our telephone mentoring session to be invaluable. Liz identifies where I am and is able to help me recognize the ego in my chaotic thinking. At times I become so identified with the ego that I become well and truly stuck. It is at those times that I can hear my ego telling me that I should be able to do this myself and have to struggle with myself to book the mentoring sessions. When that happens I KNOW I need to book my mentoring sessions with Liz. After one conversation I am back on track. I would not have made the progress I have and would certainly not have recognized some of the obstacles to peace I have come across without her support. - H.K., Croydon, U.K.
When I get into turmoil and confusion (especially in a practical situation) I treasure being able to call Liz for that "boost in clarity". Some situations are so charged that attempting to reach Truth on my own is really tough and I may not get to It in weeks or months. Liz is able to quickly, matter-of-factly, and humorously help me to make real jumps toward reality and Truth. I always come away with "gold nuggets". - D. B., Redwood, CA
Liz has shown me that real and true peace is within me and does not come from anywhere else - not from a teacher, a book, an old man in the sky, or anything outside of me - but only from within my own mind. She has shown me how to access this peace and how to grow it in my awareness as well as how to let go of the obstacles that are blocking it. Liz has taught me to depend on no one or nothing else other than my inner Truth. This is the ultimate power we all want and have within. I could never have reached this level o fpeace (which I never thought possible) and so quickly without Liz, so I am forever grateful. - E. B., Seattle WA
I started working with Liz one-on-one over the phone using her Four Habits for Inner Peace to focus my spiritual work. That small book alone has been the single most helpful text to help me grow faster with ACIM. Liz meets you wherever you are in your healing. I can ask her anything that I am confused about (for example, with my repetitive ego patterns or my insecurities in understanding the Text's wording) to which Liz immediately plugs-in to where I am. Liz's greatest gift is that Liz knows exactly what to say to help me see things more clearly. Very quickly within a few minutes of conversation with Liz I feel I get past questions and doubts that would have kept me stuck before, when I was studying ACIM on my own.Liz's mentoring saves so much time in my spiritual work. The Holy Spirit has for a few years called me on this path with ACIM. Now getting individualized mentoring from Liz has taken my studies to a higher level.-S.S., Sugarland, TX
Liz was and is there whenever I am afraid to let go of my fears. My Light has grown immensely since experiencing her Light over the last 7 years. She is an Angel in disguise.-G.L., Santa Rosa, CA
The help that Liz has provided me has been a real treasure! I have needed some occassional telephone sessions and email responses to guide me back to clear understanding and to regain the foundation for peace. And Liz has never failed me! Her understanding of the Course is excellent. And her experience of peace is genuine. Her guidance has always been just what was needed. It is not just theory for her but is based in her inner knowing and mastery; and so she has been able to give me the guidance and encouragement I needed...and helped me to truly receive it! I cannot praise her service and devotion enough! I have recommended her to several others. My appreciation for what Liz has provided is boundless!J.S., Palmyra, VA
I have been studying the Course of Miracles for over 5 years and have chosen Liz to be my mentor. Liz interprets the Course in the way I can understand it. Some ACIM mentors have taken me deeper into the ego but Liz lead me to the Truth. I am not separate from God and never have been. I have found our telephone mentoring session to be invaluable. Liz identifies where I am and is able to help me recognize the ego in my chaotic thinking. At times I become so identified with the ego that I become well and truly stuck. It is at those times that I can hear my ego telling me that I should be able to do this myself and have to struggle with myself to book the mentoring sessions. When that happens I KNOW I need to book my mentoring sessions with Liz. After one conversation I am back on track. I would not have made the progress I have and would certainly not have recognized some of the obstacles to peace I have come across without her support. - H.K., Croydon, U.K.
When I get into turmoil and confusion (especially in a practical situation) I treasure being able to call Liz for that "boost in clarity". Some situations are so charged that attempting to reach Truth on my own is really tough and I may not get to It in weeks or months. Liz is able to quickly, matter-of-factly, and humorously help me to make real jumps toward reality and Truth. I always come away with "gold nuggets". - D. B., Redwood, CA
Liz has shown me that real and true peace is within me and does not come from anywhere else - not from a teacher, a book, an old man in the sky, or anything outside of me - but only from within my own mind. She has shown me how to access this peace and how to grow it in my awareness as well as how to let go of the obstacles that are blocking it. Liz has taught me to depend on no one or nothing else other than my inner Truth. This is the ultimate power we all want and have within. I could never have reached this level o fpeace (which I never thought possible) and so quickly without Liz, so I am forever grateful. - E. B., Seattle WA
I started working with Liz one-on-one over the phone using her Four Habits for Inner Peace to focus my spiritual work. That small book alone has been the single most helpful text to help me grow faster with ACIM. Liz meets you wherever you are in your healing. I can ask her anything that I am confused about (for example, with my repetitive ego patterns or my insecurities in understanding the Text's wording) to which Liz immediately plugs-in to where I am. Liz's greatest gift is that Liz knows exactly what to say to help me see things more clearly. Very quickly within a few minutes of conversation with Liz I feel I get past questions and doubts that would have kept me stuck before, when I was studying ACIM on my own.Liz's mentoring saves so much time in my spiritual work. The Holy Spirit has for a few years called me on this path with ACIM. Now getting individualized mentoring from Liz has taken my studies to a higher level.-S.S., Sugarland, TX
Liz was and is there whenever I am afraid to let go of my fears. My Light has grown immensely since experiencing her Light over the last 7 years. She is an Angel in disguise.-G.L., Santa Rosa, CA
The help that Liz has provided me has been a real treasure! I have needed some occassional telephone sessions and email responses to guide me back to clear understanding and to regain the foundation for peace. And Liz has never failed me! Her understanding of the Course is excellent. And her experience of peace is genuine. Her guidance has always been just what was needed. It is not just theory for her but is based in her inner knowing and mastery; and so she has been able to give me the guidance and encouragement I needed...and helped me to truly receive it! I cannot praise her service and devotion enough! I have recommended her to several others. My appreciation for what Liz has provided is boundless!J.S., Palmyra, VA